How long will it take for my order to be shipped?
- If you order on the website: Once we receive your order, we hand it over to DHL within the next 24 hours. Deliveries usually take 4 to 5 business days to arrive at your location.
- If you order in Burkina Faso: We deliver on the same day.
- If you order in Africa using Orange Money: We dispatch your orders within 24 hours of receiving your payment. DHL will deliver it to you within 4 to 5 business days.
How to order from Africa?
To order in Africa, you can either use your bank card and place an order on the website, or you can message us on WhatsApp at +22606492222, place your order, and pay with Orange Money.
Can men use Sacré?
Yes, Sacré is a unisex cosmetic brand. Your entire family, including children, can benefit from the virtues of our products.